This Type Of Audio Is Created For A Specific Brand or Company, But Acts Differently Than Traditional Advertising
Emmis Communications has long been a force in the world of audio. The media conglomerate has championed and innovated since it was founded in 1980. While the media landscape continues to change, Emmis is changing with it.
Within the past few weeks, the company announced a new business plan that seeks to utilize audio consumers where they are—with podcasts.
In a press release, the company says Dave Beasing will head a new company in the Emmis family called Sound That BRANDS or STB. Based in Los Angeles, Sound That BRANDS will seek to develop high-quality, entertaining podcasts that help lead consumers to a brand. There is a history here. Companies like Trader Joe’s, Facebook, General Electric, and Tindr already have successful podcasts and Emmis hopes to create many more.
Podcasting has taken off of late and is certainly aided by the adoption of smart speakers. More and more listeners are seeking their content in different ways than they have before and on-demand listening is becoming ever-more important.
This type of content allows brands not only to control their messages, but also produce fresh content that reaches listeners where they are.
Branded podcasts are exclusively created for a specific brand or company, but act in different ways than traditional advertising. Instead of highlighting a new product or aspect of the business, these podcasts typically align with areas of interest to a given brand’s consumers. For example, a podcast from a dating app, might give dating ideas to listeners.
The new company will employ some current Emmis employees, and is expected to start producing podcasts for companies in the near future.