Recent Vote Buoys Bus Advocates… March Madness Double Up With Indy’s Paddy’s Day Celebrations!
Expanded Transit in Indy is Approved
Last month the Indianapolis City-County Council recently voted to expand Indy’s mass transit system.
This was after a November ballot question to Indy area voters – a 0.25% income tax increase to fund transportation options – was approved.
The major improvements are to the IndyGo bus service, including higher frequency, longer service hours, easier transfers, and construction of a rapid transit line along busier corridors (like the already-underway creation of the Red Line on College Avenue).

Part of the proposal is seeking a $75 million congressional grant for further improvements. The Marion County Transit Plan is a piece of a long-term transit plan for the entire region.
St. Patrick’s Day in Indy
Downtown Indy goes all out for St. Patrick’s Day – read about the biggest events.
Thursday, March 16th
- “Greening” of the downtown canal
Prepare for the greenest day of the year by joining in the fun as the Hoosier Lottery helps the downtown canal run bright green. The celebration takes place at Ohio & West Streets, and features live music. 5pm.

Friday, March 17th
- 37th Annual St. Patrick’s Day Parade.
The parade begins at 11:30 am. Marching bands, floats, Irish dancers, bagpipe & drum bands, Irish organizations and dignitaries round out the lineup. There’s also a block party from 10 am-3 pm on Vermont Street with live entertainment, food, interactive displays and beer garden. View the parade route here. - Downtown Irish Fest
The Rathskeller at the Athenaeum hosts the annual party from early in the morning, with Irish dancers in the afternoon and live music continuing all night. - Blarney Bash
Block party on Georgia Street, celebrating St. Patrick’s Day right outside of Bankers Life Fieldhouse. Games will be on the big screen, of course! - NCAA Men’s Basketball – First and Second Rounds
Adding to the fun downtown, Bankers Life Fieldhouse plays host to Friday/Sunday games of the first round of March Madness – Friday March 17th and Sunday March 19th.
For a full list, browse Downtown Indy’s full list of St. Patrick’s Day celebrations.