Time for Joy, Giving, and Hard Work for Salvation Army, Others

As recognizable as the lights on Monument Circle, the Salvation Army’s red kettles are a holiday tradition, but of a different sort. A small – but noticeable – part of the Tree of Lights campaign, the famous red kettles and bell ringers seek to raise a portion of the lofty $3.3 million goal between now and January 31st. The Angel Tree Toy Drive provided toys to over 2,000 children last year and is shooting for a similar goal. 93.1 WIBC teams up with the Salvation Army for its annual Radiothon – a three-day on-air campaign to raise funds directly for the “bed & bread club” to fight hunger and homelessness in Central Indiana. Last year, WIBC and the Salvation Army raised over $1,668,000 through individual and corporate donations – and to meet the overall $3.3 million goal for 2012, hope to raise even more. Pat Sullivan and Denny Smith will serve as co-chairs for this year’s Radiothon between December 7th and December 9th.
Continuing with making Christmastime a joyous occasion for Indianapolis’ disadvantaged youth is another recognizable tradition: the Marine Corps Toys For Tots campaign. All toys collected by local Marines are distributed to needy children in Indianapolis. Follow the Toys for Tots Foundation for a list of local toy dropoff sites in and around Indianapolis.
Gleaners Food Bank sees its needs – and fortunately, its biggest gifts – during the holiday season. Individual and group gifts of money, food, and volunteer hours help drive Indianapolis’ main food bank during the winter months.
So while you’re downtown checking out the Circle of Lights display or out shopping at a major shopping center, the streets of Mass Ave, or Broad Ripple, give a nod, some holiday cheer, and maybe a little cash to the bell ringers and their musical reminder of helping Indianapolis residents in need this holiday season.