Quick Facts
*For Customized Qualitative Data, Contact John Griffin
- Cumulative Audience M-Su 6a-12a Persons 12+: 165,100
- Core Audience: Adults 45-54 and Adults 65+
- Gender Composition (Cume) Persons 12+: Men, 60.2%; Women, 39.8%
49.6% of WIBC listeners are between the ages of 25-54, the age group with greatest spending power.
- 18-24 4.5%
- 25-34 8.8%
- 35-44 15.7%
- 45-54 25.1%
- 55-64 21.3%
- 65+ 24.6%
Marital Status
- Married 70.8%
- Divorce 12.7%
- Never married 11.5%
57% of all WIBC listeners attended college.
- Some College (1-3 years, not graduated) 28.8%
- College Graduate or more 27.2%
- White Collar 44.8%
- Blue Collar 21.9%
- Sales/Office 14.6%
- Service 6.2%
- Professional 13.9%
- Production 10.4%
- Work Full Time 56.9%
- Work Part Time 9.7%
Household Income
68.8% of all WIBC listeners have a $50,000+ household income.
- $150,000+ 14.2%
- $100,000+ 33.4%
- $75,000-$100,000 13.3%
- $50,000-$75,000 22.1%
- $35,000-$50,000 15.7%
- $25,000-$35,000 5.7%
Where They Live
WIBC listeners reside in these counties:
- Marion Co. 44.1% Hamilton Co. 20.2%
- Johnson Co. 12.1% Hendricks Co. 8.5%
- Morgan Co. 3% Boone Co. 3.7%
- Hancock Co. 5.2% Shelby Co. 3.4%
In the past year WIBC listeners have had their auto repaired/ serviced.
- Oil Filter/Oil Change 86.7%
- New Tires 42.3%
- Car Battery 35.4%
- Brake Repair 32.2%
- Other Car Repair 21.3%
- Tune Up/Spark Plugs 21.9%
Own/Rent Home
80.1% of all WIBC listeners own their home.
Market values:
- Under $99,999 12.5%
- $100,000-249,999 49.7%
- $250,000 + 17.9%
Financial Services
WIBC listeners utilize these Financial Services.
- 401-K Plan 48.7%
- Checking Account 92.3%
- Uses Debit/ATM Card 78.1%
- Home Mortgage 44.7%
- Online/Mobile Banking 55.7%
- Online Bill Paying 45.3%
- Savings Account 73.8%
- IRA 35.4%
74.1% WIBC listeners have some sort of investment.
- Mutual Funds 17.7%
- Stocks and Stock Options 26.2%
- Money Market Funds 10.9%
- Bonds 9.9%
- Second Home/Real Estate 9.4%
Household Spending
In the past year WIBC households bought:
- Hardware/paint/garden 58.3%
- Carpeting/floor covering 29.9%
- Furniture 25.5%
- Television 20.7%
- Mattress 15.4%
- Drapes/window treatment 11.5%
- Camera or accessory 5.4%
In the next year WIBC households plan to buy:
- Furniture 18%
- Major Appliances 11.2%
- Smartphone 12%
- Computer 8.6%
- Mattress 22.7%
- Tablet PC 2.7%
- Quick service 4 times past month 12.7%
- Quick service 5 times past month 8.2%
- Quick service 6-9 times past month 23.8%
- Quick service 10+ times past month 34.4%
- Sit-down 3 times past month 14.3%
- Sit-down 4 times past month 10.4%
- Sit-down 5 times past month 7.5%
- Sit-down 6-9 times past month 21.1%
- Sit-down 10+ times pas month 13.1%
78.7% of all WIBC listeners spend over $100 on groceries in a week.
- $100-$124 21.9%
- $125-$149 8.9%
- $150-199 16.2%
- $200+ 31.6%
WIBC listeners are active, and in the past year attended or participated in
- Any pro sports event 48.8%
- Indianapolis Zoo 24.7%
- Banker’s Life Fieldhouse event 15.2%
- Children’s museum 21.1%
- Pacer game 14.5%
- Colt’s Game 17.5%
- Indianapolis Indians game 20.3%
- High School Sport Event 30%
- Arts/Crafts Festival 14.7%
- Symphony, opera, etc. 16.7%
- Live theater 24.3%
- Indpls Symphony Orchestra 12.6%
- Indiana State Fair 30.4%
- Art Museum 7.7%
- Adult Continuing Education 10.2%
- Gardening 53.4%
- Swimming 27.4%
- Bowling 14.1%
- Camping 21.2%
- Sewing/Crafts 18.7%
- Photography 16.7%
- Bicycling 27%
- Fishing 21.2%
- Jogging/Running 16.8%
- Golf 16.3%
- Volunteer Work 25.3%
Copyright © 2017 The Nielsen Company. Scarborough R2 2017: Jun16-Aug17